Tenders - Archive
Supply and I&C of 1500V 3-Phase Grid Connected Outdoor PCUs for 2x50MW GSECL Project at Raghanesda, Gujarat
February 26, 2020
TENDER NOTICE: BHEL Open tenders for Supply and Commissioning of Peel Strength Tester for Li-Ion Cell Manufacturing Facility at BHEL-ESD (RFQ_RKR115)
February 21, 2020
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Circulation of NAFED tender for procurement of eartags for livestock - Ref. letter No. K-11053(5313)/8/2020-LH dt. 1st February, 2020 from Joint Secretary.
February 13, 2020
February 12, 2020
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ref. - RFQ No. AKPBOS0009 dt 04.02.2020 Due Dt. 17.02.2020 (E-tender): Item- Procurement of supply of LT AC power cable- 1.1 KV,1Cx400 sqmm Al, XLPE Un-Armoured black cable for GSECL :100MW Raghanesda-1 ,100 MW Raghanesda-2 and 75MW Dhuvaran SPV Plants
February 05, 2020
Supply, Installation, & Commissioning of 30 Full Body Scanners-Global e-tender No. 01(AS)/2020 dated 07.01.2020 - Reg.
February 04, 2020
Corrigendum-II Ref. RAJBOS0050 Dt 25.01.2020 for Supply, Commissioning Support and AMC of 1500V, 2.5 MW Outdoor/Containerised PCUs for 25MW (AC) NTPC SIMHADRI and 22MW (AC) KAYAMKULAM Floating Solar PV Projects
February 04, 2020
Corrigendum-I Ref. RAJBOS0052 for Supply of 1000V, 2500 KW Container Based / Outdoor Type inverter (PCU) for 100 MW Floating SPV NTPC Ramagundam at Telangana
February 04, 2020
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Corrigendum-I has been issued to subject tender No. RAJBOS0050 Dt 25.01.2020 Due Dt 04.02.2020 for Supply, Commissioning Support and AMC of 1500V, 2.5 MW Outdoor/Containerised PCUs for 25MW (AC) NTPC SIMHADRI and 22MW (AC) KAYAMKULAM Floating Solar PV Projects
January 03, 2020
BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited) is a public sector undertaking, working under Ministry of heavy industries, Govt. of India.
February 03, 2020
IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM BHEL - Enquiry No.: RAJBOS0052 in Unit EDN Bangalore has been published
January 28, 2020
RAJBOS0049 Dt 20.01.2020 Due Dt 30.01.2020 for Supply of 3.3KV 1C x 400 sqmm DC Power Cables for 25MW (AC) NTPC SIMHADRI and 22MW (AC) KAYAMKULAM Floating Solar PV Projects
January 24, 2020
January 23, 2020
RAJBOS0048 Dtd 08-01-2020 Due Dt. 20-01-2020 for Supply of 33KV (E) HT Cables for 100MW NTPC RAMAGUNDAM, 25MW NTPC SIMHADRI and 22 MW NTPC KAYAMKULAM Floating Solar PV Projects
January 23, 2020
January 21, 2020
RAJBOS0049 Dt 20.01.2020 Due Dt 30.01.2020 for Supply of 3.3KV 1C x 400 sqmm DC Power Cables for 25MW (AC) NTPC SIMHADRI and 22MW (AC) KAYAMKULAM Floating Solar PV Projects
January 20, 2020
RAJBOS0048 Dtd 08-01-2020 Due Dt. 20-01-2020 for Supply of 33KV (E) HT Cables for 100MW NTPC RAMAGUNDAM, 25MW NTPC SIMHADRI and 22 MW NTPC KAYAMKULAM Floating Solar PV Projects
January 20, 2020
RAJBOS0048 Dtd 08-01-2020 Due Dt. 20-01-2020 for Supply of 33KV (E) HT Cables for 100MW NTPC RAMAGUNDAM, 25MW NTPC SIMHADRI and 22 MW NTPC KAYAMKULAM Floating Solar PV Projects
January 09, 2020
TENDER NO. KVR0000002 Requirement of 1 Core x 400 sq-mm Aluminium, XLPE, Un-Armoured LT Power Cable
December 16, 2019
Global tender for manufacturing and supply of 156.75 mm/ 157 mm Multi solar cell - SPKSCPV047 dtd. 12.12.2019 due date 23.12.2019
December 16, 2019