Death Certificate

Registration of Death


The Consulate General of India Milan can issue No objection for despatch of mortal remains to India or for cremation/burial in Italy, if the deceased was holder of Indian Passport and had been resident in its Consular jurisdiction.


Death of all Indian nationals, residing in Italy under the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India should be registered with the Consulate immediately. Requirements for registration are as under :

1. Indian Passport, in original, of the deceased.

2. Resident permit of the deceased along with clear copy.

3. Police report stating that there is no objection to the transportation of the mortal remains to India or to cremation/burial in Italy, in case of accident/murder/suicide, etc.

4. Medical report from the concerned hospital, along with translation in English.

5. Death Certificate issued by Comune, along with translation in English.

6. No objection from the Court or from Comune for burial/cremation or to take the mortal remains to India.

7. Post Mortem report in case of murder, suicide or accident, along with translation in English.

8. Letter from the Funeral/Transport Agency, taking responsibility for completing all the required formalities, including transportation of the mortal remains to final destination in India or cremation/burial in Italy, as the case may be.

9. In case of despatch of mortal remains to India:
Embalming certificate clearly stating that it is not contagious and also that it is not dangerous in any way to the health of passengers in the flight.

10.Consent letter signed by the next of kin of the deceased, duly attested by Village Officer/ Tehsildar/Panchayat President, with date and seal giving the name and designation of the officer who attests the document and his/her office seal. The Consent letter should have all the particulars of the next of kin with full residential address, phone number, etc. Attestation by Notary Public will be accepted if only the same is attested by the respective Home Department. A copy of the Identity Certificate (Passport, Aadhar Card, etc.) of the person, who conveys his /her consent, is also required. The consent letter should also include the name, address and contact phone number of the person, who would be receiving the dead body at the airport.

If the next of kin is in Italy, his/her passport, in original, along with copies of relevant pages, should be submitted to the Consulate, along with his/her


consent, in original, with his/her signature as given in the passport. Also please submit the original as well as copy of the Marriage Certificate, in case the deceased was married, but the spouse name was not endorsed in the Passport.

11. If a person accompanies the body to India, copies of the relevant pages of the passport of the person, with a written undertaking from him/her stating that he/she takes full responsibility for the transportation of the body to India. If the person, who accompanies or collects the body in India is not a relative of the deceased, the next of kin of the deceased must convey his/her written consent to transport the body to India through the authorized person. If the body is transported without any escort, a communication signed by the next of kin stating that he/she takes responsibility of collecting the dead body at the airport (along with copy of his/her identity card -passport or Aadhar card, etc.)


Consent letter, IN ORIGINAL, signed by the next of kin of the deceased, duly attested by Village Officer/Tehsildar/Panchayat President, with seal/stamp giving the name and designation of the officer attesting and his/her office seal. The Consent letter should have all the particulars of the next of kin with full residential address, phone number, etc. Attestation by Notary Public will be accepted if only the same is attested by the respective Home Department.

If the next of kin is in Italy, his/her passport, in original, along with copies of relevant pages, should be submitted to the Consulate, along with his/her consent, in original, with his/her signature as given in the passport. Also please submit the original as well as copy of the Marriage Certificate, in case the deceased was married, but spouse name has not been endorsed in the Passport.

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