Employment Visa

General Information

  • Please check the List of Holidays before coming to the Consulate. The timings for submission of Visa applications are from 0915 to 1200 hrs on all working days. Passports may be collected back from 1200 to 1300 hrs on the date specified by the Consulate at the time of submission of application.
  • An employment visa is granted to foreigners desiring to come to India for the purpose of employment. The foreign national being sponsored  for an employment visa in any sector should draw a salary in excess of US$25,000.00 per annum.  The limit on income will not apply to  Ethnic cooks, language teachers (other than English Language teachers), translators and staff working in concerned Embassy/High Commission in India.
  • An employment visa is granted also to foreigner who wishes to come to India for honorary work(without salary) with NGO’s registered in India with special endorsement on his/her passport.
  • Applicant should be highly skilled or skilled and qualified professional being engaged or appointed by a company, organization, industry, or undertaking etc., in India on contract or employment basis at a senior level, skilled position such as technical expert, senior executive, or in a managerial positions et.( the company sponsoring the applicant should enclose necessary documents in support of this).
  • Employment visa will not be granted for routine, ordinary or secretarial/clerical jobs for which large number of qualified Indians are available.
  • Foreign nationals coming to India as consultant on contract ( on written agreement) for whom the Indian company pays a fixed remuneration ( may not be in the form of monthly or annual salary).
  • Foreign artists engaged to conduct regular performances for the duration of the employment contract given by Hotels, club, other organizations.
  • Foreign nationals who are coming to India to take up employment as Coaches.
  • Foreign sportsmen who are given contract for a specified period by the Indian Clubs/organizations.
  • Self-employed foreign nationals coming to India for providing engineering, medical, accounting, legal or such other highly skilled services in their capacity as independent consultants.
  • Employment Visa should be issued from the country of origin or from the country of residence of the foreigner.
  • Employment Visa can be obtained on furnishing appointment letter from India and the original "Employment Contract" between the applicant and the employer along with one photocopy. The period of the visa will depend on the validity of the contract limited to a maximum of 5 years.

Documents required

  • All applicants are required to complete the application form On-line. Photo must be submitted and uploaded online. One photograph of size 50mm x 50mm (2”x2”) with white background should be pasted in the space provided in the form as well as uploaded online. Print and Sign the application at the required places before submitting it at the Visa counter in the Consulate alongwith the passport.
  • An appointment letter from India and the original signed “employment contract” between the applicant and the employer and one photocopy.
  • An undertaking from the Employer that the income tax will be paid in India. The employment contract should clearly define the terms and conditions and the position and the duties of the employee, duration of contract and place of work, contribution towards provident fund, social security, accommodation and insurance etc.. The employment contract should be signed by the employee for the acceptance of the contract.
  • The Company should certify following in the letter/contract: 
  • All the official documents in Italian language must be accompanied with English translation by the authorized  translation agencies of the Consulate 

"The company has checked the educational and technical qualification of the candidate and found him suitable for the post."

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