Journalist Visa

General Information

  • Journalist Visas are granted to professional journalists, pressmen, photographers, film-men, representatives of radio and television and similar personnel in the field of information and mass media.
  • Three months of processing time is required for obtaining the visa.
  • The journalists may be asked to come to the Consulate to be interviewed. 
  • Please check the List of Holidays before coming to the Consulate. The timings for submission of Visa applications are from 0915 to 1200 hrs on all working days. Passports may be collected back from 1200 to 1300 hrs on the date specified by the Consulate at the time of submission of application.

Documents required

  • All applicants are required to complete the application form On-line. Photo must be submitted and uploaded online. One photograph of size 50mm x 50mm (2”x2”) with white background should be pasted in the space provided in the form as well as uploaded online. Print and Sign the application at the required places before submitting it at the Visa counter in the Consulate alongwith the passport.
  • The application must be accompanied by a letter from the sponsoring newspaper or magazine giving full details of journalist’s itinerary, proposed appointments and places to be visited in India.
  • In addition to the above requirements for each member of the team, journalists desirous of visiting India for shooting documentaries or feature films etc. will need to enclose the synopsis of the documentaries to be shot, places to be visited, details of equipment to be taken and proposed itinerary for consideration of Consulate authorities and final approval by Government of India.
  • Please check if additional documents are required for foreign nationals and dual nationality citizens.
  • All the official documents in Italian language must be accompanied with English translation by the authorized  translation agencies of the Consulate 


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