Marriage Certificate

Any Indian national (above 21 years of age for bridegroom and above 18 years for bride), living under the jurisdiction of this Consulate (North Italy) and wish to marry can give a notice of intended marriage under Foreign Marriage Act, 1969 in the prescribed format in the Consulate. The copy of the signed marriage notice handed over to the applicant has to be published ‘as it is’ in two newspapers in India (one in English and one in the regional language where the bride or bridegroom would have been staying normally) as well as in the country of domicile, at least one month before marriage.

2. Bachelorhood Certificate, in original, issued by the competent authority in India (Assistant Commissioner of Police, Deputy Commissioner of Police, an officer of not below the rank of First Class Judicial Magistrate, etc.), duly apostilled/attested from Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi should be submitted.

3. If both parents are in India, ‘No Objection’, in original, from both the parents, duly apostilled/attested from Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi should also be submitted.

4. If both the parents are in another country, ‘No Objection’, in original, should be attested from the Indian Embassy/High Commission/Consulate in that country. The parent, who is in Italy should be personally present.

5. If one of the parents is in Italy and the other is in India, ‘No Objection’, in original, from the parent, who is in India, duly apostilled/attested from Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi should be submitted.

6. If one of the parents is in another country, ‘No Objection’, in original, should be attested from the Indian Embassy/High Commission/Consulate in that country. The parent, who is in Italy should be personally present.

7. If either of the bridegroom or bride is holder of Italian passport holder, marriage shall not be solemnized in the Consulate as the same is not as per relevant rules.

In case either of the bridegroom or bride is holder of any other nationality other than Italian, bachelorhood certificate, in original, duly attested by the concerned Embassy/Consulate of that country requires to be submitted, along with translation in English. In case there is no Embassy/Consulate of that country in Italy, the bachelorhood certificate, in original, duly attested from the respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country and thereafter get it attested from the Indian Embassy/ High Commission/Consulate in that country requires to be submitted, along with translation in English.

8. Three witnesses (adult) are required to be present at the time of marriage with their Indian Passports and legal stay permits. The marriage should be solemnized immediately after the 30 days of publication of the marriage in the newspaper (30 days are counted from the publication in the newspaper, which appeared last, but not later than 6 months from the date of publication. If the marriage is not solemnized within the prescribed time limit, a new notice should be given and wait for a further period of 30 days.

9. At least one of the parties of the marriage (bride/bridegroom) should have been staying in the jurisdiction of this Consulate with legal stay permit. If one of them is on a visit visa, he/she should have been in jurisdiction of this Consulate for a minimum period of 30 days, with a valid visa.

Documents to be submitted:

1. Miscellaneous Services(Click here for application form), form with one photograph pasted on it.

2. Valid Passport with clear copies of the relevant pages

3. Valid Legal Stay Permit with clear copy

4. Valid Residence Proof with clear copies

5. Affidavit in the prescribed format by the parties of marriage (Click here for Affidavit )

6. Original newspapers with Notice of marriage (Two newspapers in India (one in English and one in the regional language where the bride or bridegroom would have been staying normally) as well as in the country of domicile, at least one month before marriage. 

7. Bachelorhood certificate, in original, as explained above

8. Affidavit from parents, in original, as explained above

9. Four latest colour photographs (passport size)

10. Fee of Euros 44 (42+2) to be paid by cash.


Issue of Bachelorhood Certificate (Unmarried Certificate)

The Consulate can issue Bachelorhood Certificate (Unmarried Certificate), if only the same is issued by the competent authority in India (Assistant Commissioner of Police, Deputy Commissioner of Police or above, an officer of not below the rank of First Class Judicial Magistrate, etc.,) and has been duly apostilled/attested from Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. In case such a certificate is not being issued from the concered authority the applicant can obtain a declaratory order from the competent Court having jurisdiction in the area of residential address of the applicant, this Declaratory Court-order has first to be counter-attested by the concerned State Home Department and then apostilled by MEA.

Application form should be submitted in Miscellaneous Application form (Click here for application form ), duly completed with one photograph pasted on it, and signed by the applicant. Please also submit clear copies of (1) the relevant pages of the valid Indian Passport, (2)Permesso d’Soggiorno, (3) Residence Proof (Carta d’Identita, any Utility bill, etc.) are also required.

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