Passport application

A. Who can apply? 

Indian Nationals living in the areas of Lombardy, Piedmont, Aosta Valley, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Liguria and Emilia-Romagna.

B. How to fill application form?

1. Visit for online application form.
a. Register by clicking on "Register" Select Italy-Milan in Embassy/Consulate dropdown and register with your own email id.
b. Login with the registered login ID and Password on "User Login"
c. In the Applicant Home Page, click on "Apply for Ordinary Passport/Emergency Certificate/Police Clearance Certificate/Surrender of Indian Passport/Diplomatic Passport/Official Passport/Identity Certificate" link to file a new application. Select Type of Application as 'Normal'.
d. After successful submission, take a printout of the online submitted form.

2. Please exercise utmost caution while filling the Police station and Pin-code for the Indian address to be printed on Passport. Name of respective Police station can be checked at

3. All applications for a passport service, whether for a new passport(Fresh Passport)/ passport for new-born, re-issue of passport upon expiry or loss/theft/damage, change in the entries in the existing passport (including complete/partial name change, splitting of Name-Surname, change of name/surname after marriage/divorce, change in appearance, change in date of birth, change in place of birth, change in gender, change in signature or exhaustion of pages in the existing passport booklet) shall be filled only though above link only.

4. Passport application should be filled with the same details as in the existing passport, except in case of desired changes. Any changes/corrections in the existing passport must be supported with valid documents. Applicants may be called upon at the Consulate with additional documents for verification if required.

C. Fee Payment:

1. Fee will have to be submitted though online bank transfers only.
2. Click here for detailed information.

D. How to submit application? 

Applicants are advised to take appointment, online for the purpose for which they visit the Consulate. Click here to take the appointment.

Prepaid self-addressed Envelope for return of Ready Passport or documents  must be provided with the application. Click here for  customised link for generating Return DHL WayBill from CGI, Milan, to the respective Residential address.

Fill your details correctly at the above customized DHL Link, after payment you would receive the RITORNO/Return Shipment and applicant’s copy of the  AirwayBill at your email.

Keep  the applicant's copy of  Return WayBill for future reference.

E. General guidelines:

a. Passport application form: 
1. Passport can be applied for reissue from one year before its expiry or for change in existing particulars.

2. After completion of the online form, take a printout in portrait mode only to be submitted at the Consulate.

3. Preview of your New Passport is available on the first page of your application.

4. A 12 digit Application Reference Number is written on top right corner of your application just below the Bar Code. Kindly note this number for all future references for your application.

5. Please note that birth registration of a child born to Indian parents should be done at the Consulate within one year of the birth, otherwise there will be delay in issuing a passport to the child.

6. Applicants may be called upon at the Consulate with additional documents for verification if required.

7. Sign the application form at earmarked space (within the allotted box) on the first page and on the space provided on the last page. All signatures on the application should be by a ball point pen of blue or black ink and have to be dark. Those who cannot affix their signatures / illiterate should put their Left hand thumb impression in the place of signature.

8. Signature should match with the signature in the existing passport. If the applicant wants to change the signature, he/she may do so:
a) In that case, new signature should be appended in the box provided on the first page of the application form.
b)  And, new as well as old signature should be appended at the last page ( New signature in the given box on last page and Old signature at the blank space below the line)

9. Two photographs (not older than 3 months) must be pasted on the application. Click here for photo specifications.
a) One photograph to be pasted at the space provided on the first page of the application form.
b) Second photograph to be pasted at the blank space available on fourth/last page of the application form after the declaration part.

10. All documents must be self-attested by applicant or by both parents in case of Minor applicant.

b. Change in Appearance:
If there is a major change in appearance of the applicant in comparison to photo on the available passport, (this can be due to Age or Turban), it is mandatory to provide Affidavit for Change in Appearance Click here for Affidavit. 

F. Passport services and required documents:
1. Reissue of passport in respect of adults:

  • Duly filled and signed Passport Application form as detailed above along with two latest Photos(5cms x 5 cms).
  • Original Passport and clear copies of the only relevant pages (first page, last page and endorsement pages) of current passport of the applicant.
  • Original and clear copy of valid Permesso Di Soggiorno of the applicant. If validity of Soggiorno has already expired, a clear copy of Receipt for Renewal of the same should also be attached.
  • Original and clear copy of Address proof of the applicant (Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity along with clear self-translation in English).
  • Affidavit for change of appearance if applicable (Click here for Affidavit).

2. Reissue of  passport in respect of Minors : children below the age of 18 years

  • Duly filled and signed Passport Application form as detailed above along with two latest Photos(5cms x 5 cms).
  • Original Passport of the minor applicant and clear copies of the relevant pages (attested by parents). Copies must be attested by both the parents, signature of parents should match their passport.
  • Original and clear copy of valid Permesso di Soggiorno of the Minor applicant if available(signed by both the parents). If the validity of the Soggiorno has already expired, a clear  copy of the Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached.
  • Original and clear copy of Passport of both the parents with relevant pages (first, last and endorsement pages, self-attested by parents). 
  • Original and clear copy of Permesso di Soggiorno of both the parents. If validity of Soggiorno has already expired, a clear copy of Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached.
  • Original and clear copy of the Address proof (Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity and its translation in English) of the parents (self-attested by parents).
  • Specimen Declaration by Applicant’s Parent or Guardian for issue of Passport to Minor when one Parent has not given consent (Click here for Annexure C).

  • Declaration from both parents for applying Passport of the Minor applicant (Click here for Annexure D).
  • Affidavit for change of appearance if applicable (Click here for Affidavit).

3. Fresh Passport for Minors/ Passport for Newly borns

Application for new born comprises of two stages:
a) Birth registration with the Consulate, and
b) Passport application

a) Birth registration application needs to be filled online at under category ‘Registration of birth of a minor child at an Indian Consulate Under section 4(1) of the Citizenship Act, 1955’. The printout of the birth registration form needs to be submitted after signature by both the parents twice in the space provided.

Note: If the birth of the child is not registered within one year of the birth, the reason for delay in registering the birth, in writing, duly signed by both the parents, is required. Please make sure that both parents sign twice on the available space, the signatures should be same as per their Passport.
b) Documents for Passport applicaiton must be arranged in the following order:

  • Duly filled and signed Passport Application form (to be filled online at along with two latest Photos(5cms x 5 cms). Please make sure to provide thumb impression of the new born applicant in the space provided.
  • Printout of Duly filled child's birth registration form (available from Birth registration form without proper and matching signatures of both parents cannot be accepted.
  • Original and clear photocopy of Birth certificate issued from Comune(if born in Italy) either Multilingual or with English translation having the name of the child, date of birth, place of birth, gender of the new born and names of both the parents (self-attested by parents). If the child is born outside Italy, attested copy of birth certificate from the Embassy / Consulate of the Country to be submitted along with apostillation by Prefettura.
  • Clear copy of valid Permesso Di Soggiorno of the child, if issued already (self-attested by parents).
  • Original and clear copy of Passport of both the parents with relevant pages (first, last and endorsement pages, self-attested by parents).
  • Original and clear copy of Permesso di Soggiorno of both the parents. If validity of Soggiorno has already expired, a clear copy of Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached.
  • Original and clear copy of the Address proof (Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity and its translation in English) of the parents (self-attested by parents).
  • Original and Clear copy of the Marriage Certificate (self-attested) of the parents.
  • Specimen Declaration by Applicant’s Parent or Guardian for issue of Passport to Minor when one Parent has not given consent (Click here for Annexure C)

  • Declaration from both parents for applying Passport of the new born (Click here for Annexure D)
  • If the birth of the child is not registered within one year of the birth, the reason for delay in registering the birth, in writing, duly signed by both the parents, is required.

4. In lieu of Lost Passport / Damaged Passport

  • Duly filled and signed Passport Application form as detailed above along with two latest Photos(5cms x 5 cms).
  • Clear copies of the relevant pages as available (first, last, Visa and endorsement pages) of the passport of the applicant (self-attested).
  • FIR for the Lost passport with number of the lost passport mentioned in the report and clear translation in English language.
  • Original and clear copy of valid Permesso Di Soggiorno of the applicant  If validity of Soggiorno has already expired, a clear copy of Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached.
  • Original and clear copy of Address proof of the applicant (self-attested) (Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity along with translation in English).
  • Duly filled Declaration as per ‘Annexure F’ for applying reissue of passport in lieu of Lost passport (Click here for Annexure F)
  • Two copies of PP form (personal particulars) form filled in completely and with latest photograph(Click here for PP form)
  • Affidavit for the change in appearance if applicable. (Click here for Affidavit).

5. Reissue for split name: (Nome Cognome)

  • Duly filled and signed Passport Application form as detailed above along with two latest Photos(5cms x 5 cms).
  • Original Passport and clear copies of the relevant pages (first, last and endorsement pages) of the passport of the applicant (self-attested).
  • Original and clear copy of valid Permesso Di Soggiorno of the applicant  If validity of Soggiorno has already expired, a clear copy of Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached.
  • Original and clear copy of Address proof of the applicant (self-attested) (Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity along with translation in English).
  • a)     If the applicant has Permesso Di Soggiorno and carta d’identità, copy of the same should be submitted.

  b)  If the applicant does not have Permesso Di Soggiorno; the following must be submitted:
i) Clear copies of the (a) Passport, (b) Permesso D’Soggiorno and Carta D’Identita of the relative on whose family Visa the applicant arrived.
ii) There should be documentary proof to substantiate the relationship, such as Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, etc.
     6. Affidavit for change of appearance if applicable (Click here for Affidavit)

6. Reissue of passport for Change in name: 
Documents remain same as per respective categories detailed above, in addition the following supporting documents must be provided:

  • Sworn affidavit for the change of name (Click here for specimen)
  • Newspaper advertisement for change of name in two daily newspapers from India in any ‘national daily’ and one in Italy. Original newspaper to be submitted, the advertisement must not be older than one year.
  • Two documents issued by authorities in India with desired Name.
  • Two documents issued by Local authorities in Italy with desired name in case of Permesso Di Soggiorno is Illimitata.
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