Power of Attorney and Affidavit for minors passport in India

A. Who can apply:

Indian Nationals living in the areas of Lombardy, Piedmont, Aosta Valley, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Liguria and Emilia-Romagna can apply for Miscellaneous Consular services at the Consulate General of India in Milan.

B. How to submit application? 

Duly complete applications can be submitted at the Consulate with prior appointment only. The applicant needs to be physically present at the Consulate. The ready document will be delivered by Courier. 

Please visit this link to generate DHL one way bill on https://return.it.express.dhl.com/recipient?lang=it_IT 

C. Fee payment:

Fee can be submitted through Bank transfers. Click here for detailed information. 

1. Power of Attorney

a. Duly filled-in application along with the original passport of the applicant(s)and a self-attested copy of the passport(Click here for application form)

b. Original Indian Passport alongwith self-attested copy of the passport & contact details (including local contact number) of the witnesses.

c. Submit correct fee to Bank account of the Consulate. Take printouts of the transaction summary to be attached with your application as payment proof.

d. Copy of the Permesso Di Soggiorno;

e. Self-attested copy of the valid Carta D’Identita of the applicant(s).

2. Declaration by Applicant’s Parent(s) or Guardian for issue of passport to minor

a. Duly filled-in application along with the original passport of the Parent(s) or Guardian and a self-attested copy of the passport(s) (Click here for application form and Click here for Affidavit )  ;

b. Submit correct fee to Bank account of the Consulate. Take printouts of the transaction summary to be attached with your application as payment proof;

c. Copy of the Permesso Di Soggiorno of the Parent(s) or Guardian;

d. Self-attested copy of the valid Carta D’Identita of the Parent(s) or Guardian


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