Events/Photo Gallery

FARMMECH 2020 - EEPC India 24-27 November 2020

November 19, 2020

EEPC India is the export promotion council for engineering goods and has been actively working to promote India’s engineering exports across the world by means of participation in exhibitions, mounting delegations, organizing RBSMs etc.

The spread of COVID pandemic has affected the nature of doing business by restricting the meetings, exhibitions and contacts.

EEPC India is making an effort to revitalise engineering sector by organizing its second Virtual Exhibition named  “FARMMECH 2020” during 24-27 November 2020, with a focus on North America, Africa, EU, UK, East Europe, ASEAN & SAARC region. The Indian participants belong to the following product profile:

Manually operated equipment

Machines for general farm use

Tractors, bulldozers & other vehicles

Land preparation and planting machinery & equipment

Crop maintenance machinery & equipment

Crop harvesting machinery & equipment

Post-harvest machinery & equipment

Tillage tools & wear parts

Other equipment & components

For more information, please visit the following website:


Click here to download



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