
Corrigendum to NIT-tender no. P66JC13001 Ch hire of Modular rigs

September 19, 2013

ICB Tender No. MR/WS/MM/MODRIGS(85(03)/2013/P66JC13001 for charter hire of two nos. of \'Modular Work Over Rigs\'

Refer \'Notice Inviting Tenders\' published against the above referred Tender in \'Economic Times\' Newspaper on 02.07.2013 inviting tenders through ONGC e-bidding engine at


 The  tender  document  has been put up on re-sale for the period from 17.09.2013  (14  hrs.) to 01.10.2013 (23.59 hrs) (IST). The Firms who have  already  purchased  the  tender  document need not purchase the tender  document  again.   Pre-bid conference will not be held again.


The  due  date  for  closing/opening of tender has been fixed as 23rd October,  2013  at  16.00  Hrs./17.00  Hrs.  (IST) respectively.  The tender document be read with replies to the queries raised by various firms  during  pre-bid  meeting  held  on  06.08.2013  and subsequent amendments  to the tender document issued thereafter.


All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged. The  details  of  the tender notice can be seen from the ONGC, website and


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