
Facilitation for re-issuance of International Driving Permit

February 26, 2021

Consulate General of India




Date: 26th Feb 2021

The Government of India has introduced the new Miscellaneous Consular Service to facilitate the re-issuance of International Driving Permit (IDP) to those Indian nationals, who were originally issued IDP by the concerned authorities in India.

The Consular Service for IDP is available at a Consular Fee of Euro 14.00 (Euros Fourteen only).  The terms & conditions of the application for IDP will remain same as for other Consular Services.  For more details, on submission of application form you may click here.

The Consulate will only issue a prescribed ‘Certificate/Receipt’ against the Fee of Euro 14.00 and NOT an IDP to the applicant.

The applicant would need to upload all the relevant documents along with the ‘Certificate/Receipt’ issued by the Consulate in the portal and pay the requisite IDP fees online on the same portal.  On receipt of the application through the portal, the licensing authority under Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways (MoRTH), upon verification of the documents shall courier the IDP directly to the residential address of the applicant.

It may be noted that the role of the Consulate in this consular service is limited to the extent of facilitating submission of IDP renewal application in the portal only.  Any further correspondence pertaining to the subject, including status of the application, would need to be verified directly from the concerned authority (MoRTH) in India.

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