The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has signed a new ordinance on April 29, 2021. The measure will be in force until 15 May 2021.
Persons who are currently in the Italian national territory and have stayed in or transited through India in the 14 days preceding the publication of Ordinance, even if asymptomatic, are obliged to immediately report their entry to the prevention department of the competent health authority, to undergo antigen or molecular tests to be carried out through a swab, as well as to undergo fiduciary isolation for a period of ten days with the obligation to carry out a further molecular or antigenic test at the end of the 10-day period.
Under the new rules, provided no symptoms of Covid-19 are present, entry and transit into Italy of persons who have stayed in or transited through India over the last 14 days are allowed only for Italian citizens who live permanently in Italy (having residence in Italy) along with few other categories.
Those entitled to enter the national territory are also subject to:
- obligation to present to the carrier, at the time of boarding, and to anyone entitled to carry out checks, the certificate proving that they have undergone a molecular or antigenic test through a swab in the seventy-two (72) hours before entry into the national territory and that the same is negative ;
- obligation to undergo a molecular or antigen test, to be carried out through a swab, upon arrival at the airport, port or other border crossing point. In case of molecular test, the person will be placed in isolation until obtaining the result of the test.
- obligation to undergo health surveillance and fiduciary isolation or a period of ten (10) days at the "Covid Hotels" or in another suitable place indicated by the health authority or the Civil Protection Department;
- obligation to carry out a further molecular or antigen test at the end of the ten (10) days of isolation.