
Issue of Passports to Indian migrants to facilitate them acquiring Italian Stay Permit for Work

May 21, 2020

Issue of Passports to Indian migrants to facilitate them acquiring Italian Stay Permit for Work

Important announcement: Issue of Passports to Indian migrants to facilitate them  acquiring Italian Stay Permit for Work

The ‘Decreto Rilancio’ on Economic Stimulus Measures announced by the Government of Italy on May 13, 2020, allow undocumented migrants to acquire ‘Italian Stay Permit for Work’ as per Article 110 bis.

2. Indian nationals who are eligible to obtain stay permit under the above Decree, and need reissue of passports in lieu of their expired, lost or damaged passports, can apply for reissue of Passport as per procedure outlined below and in attachments.

3. Indian Nationals living in the areas of Lombardy, Piedmont, Aosta Valley, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Liguria and Emilia-Romagna, who are eligible to obtain legal six-month work permits in Italy under the decree may apply for reissue of Passport at the Consulate by Post. Those living in other regions may apply to the Embassy of India, Rome.

4. Please note that the Consulate has not authorized any agency or person for submission of Passport applications. Applicants are requested to go through the detailed instructions available in Hindi, English, Punjabi and Italian and submit the application themselves by Post only.

5. It is emphasized that due to COVID-19 restrictions and health protocols, for the time being, it would not be possible to allow acceptance of Passport applications physically at Consulate premises. However, applications requiring additional verification may be called later to visit the Consulate as per discretion.

6. Other Indian nationals who require Consular Services including PPT services are requested to wait for separate announcement and NOT apply under this category.

7. We thank you in advance for your understanding and seek your support in making this a successful exercise.

8. The application can be sent by Posal mode only. Prepaid self-addressed Envelope for return of Ready Passport must be provided with the postal application. Postal modes can be any of the following:

a. DHL Courier (Click here for customised link)

(Fill in the details available online correctly and after online payment, two AirWayBills would be generated and received at your given email:

i) First AirWayBill/Shipment Label / ANDATA and copy

ii)Second AirWayBill/ Return Shipment Label/ RITORNO and copy

Attach ANDATA on the envelope from DHL and enclose the RITORNO alongwith the documents into the envelope.

b. Poste Italiane (Busta Pre-affrancata Posta Raccomandata, A5 size)

Envelope 1: Prepare a self-addressed envelope with prepaid stamp of Poste Italiane(Busta Pre-affrancata Posta Raccomandata). Please provide your complete postal address to ensure smooth delivery of the Passport. This Envelope should have weight category on 100 gms in case of Normal Passport Booklet and 150 gms in case of Jumbo Passport Booklet. You may note down the Postal tracking number.

* Click here for sample of the Envelope 1 (Busta Pre-affrancata Posta Raccomandata) envelope for return of Ready Passport and cancelled old Passport.

Envelope 2: Prepare another envelope addressed to :

Mr. Rajesh Bhatia, Consul (Consular),
Consulate General of India Milan
Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 8,
20121 Milano MI.
Please write ‘APPAMNSTY’ and your Category of Application(CAT-I/ CAT-II/CAT III/CAT IV) on the envelope being send to Consulate.

Guidelines for submission of passport applications in ENGLISH

Guidelines for submission of passport applications in HINDI

Guidelines for submission of passport applications in PUNJABI

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