
Online Fee Payment option for Consular services

December 30, 2020

Online Fee Payment option for Consular services

Consulate General of India


Public Notice

Since after the inception of the postal services for receiving all kinds of applications for Consular Services, in most cases, the Consulate has been receiving incorrect Assegno Circolare/Posta Vaglia (fee for the application), thus causing the pendency of the application. 

To resolve this problem and to facilitate better services to the applicant, it has been decided to accept fee for all applications through ‘Online Bank Transfer’ only.

Applicants are requested to compile duly complete applications and make Online Bank Transfer into the Consulate’s Bank Account No. 000004522764 before submitting the application through DHL Courier. Detailed guidelines for Bank Transfer and Account details are available at the Consulate's website. Cilck here for the bank details.

Summary/proof of payment needs to be submitted along with the application in the format as specified in the guidelines.

This initiative is being taken to reduce the processing time of the application to the extent possible.

It is also reiterated that the application must be complete in all respects before its submission.  Incomplete application will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant.

Your cooperation is highly solicited!  

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