
PUBLIC ADVISORY for Passports ready to be Collected Due to COVID-19

May 21, 2020


Date: 21th May 2020

Public advisory for collection of ready Passports 

Due to COVID-19 related restrictions on movement of people and temporary suspension of consular services, the Consulate General of India Milan has decided to dispatch new passports ready for collection through registered post. This initiative is aimed at helping Indian citizens during the current COVID-19 emergency, so that they avoid traveling to the Consulate for collection of their ready passports.

2. Therefore, Indian citizens residing in Northern Italy, under the jurisdiction of Consulate General of India Milan, may avail of this facility by sending the following documents to the Consulate by Post only.

(a) Existing Passport for cancellation(except in case of Lost or New Born applicants)

(b) Original Receipt (issued at time of submission of passport application with ARN / File number).

(c) Pre-Paid Self-Addressed Envelope (for receiving the New Passport and cancelled Existing Passport from the Consulate)

3. The self-addressed envelope will ensure safety of receipt of your new passport at the correct address. Please make sure to fill your correct address properly with no mistakes.

4. Given the nature of circumstances prevailing, this task is being done to ensure maximum safety for you and your family members. We seek your cooperation and encourage you to consider and avail this POSTAL option.



Steps to follow for receiving your ready passport:

1. Passport application status: You can check the status of your passport application at and note your New Passport Number.
To check your passport status please enter the 12 digit File /ARN number available on the receipt, without the dash and click search. For applicants who have seven digit number written in ink on their receipts, please add 'ITAM0' before the seven digits.
2. Existing Passport: Collect your existing passport to be dispatched to the Consulate for cancellation, except in cases of Lost Passport cases or new born applicants.
3. Fee Receipt: Collect the original Fee/payment receipt issued from the Consulate while submitting the Passport application. Please write your New Passport Number, contact number and email at the back of the receipt for follow up if required.
4. Delivery mode:  Postal modes can be any of the following:

a. DHL Courier (Click here for dedicated link)

Fill in the details available online correctly and pay online, after payment two AirWayBills will be received(in dulplicate) at your given email:
i) First AirWayBill/Outgoing Shipment Label / ANDATA and sender copy
ii) Second AirWayBill/ Return Shipment Label/ RITORNO and sender copy
*Steps for DHL :
a. Keep the sender copies of both AirWaybills for future reference.
b. Collect your exisiting passport and original receipt and visit the nearest DHL center.
c. Upon presenting the payment receipt for the Courier you should get two corresponding envelopes from DHL; the ANDATA Envelope and RITORNO Envelope. 
d. RITORNO AirWayBill must be placed in the RITORNO Envelope.
e. Your existing Passport, original Passport Fee receipt and RITORNO Envelope should be placed in the ANDATA Envelope.
f. Paste the ANDATA AirWayBIll on ANDATA/Outgoing Envelope.
g. Write code 'DeliveryPPT' on the ANDATA Envelope and send to the Consulate.


b. POSTE ITALIANE (Click here for detailed instructions with specimen images)

i) Envelope 1/RITORNO : Purchase a Raccomandata Envelope and two return receipts from nearest Poste Italiane office (also known as Busta Pre-affrancata Posta Raccomandata). 

a. This envelope will be used by the Consualte to retun your Passport.

b. This should be with prepiad, i.e make payment in advance for the RITORNO Envelope

c. Fill the two duplicate receipts correctly: Destinario will be your postal address and Mittente will be Consulate General of India.

d. Put both the receipts in the RITORNO envelope, do not seal the envelope.

Please provide your complete postal address to ensure smooth delivery of the Passport. Select an option of 100 grams for the return post in case you have a normal 36 pages passport, as you will be receiving 2 passports, one cancelled existing passport and the other new valid passport. In case of Jumbo Passport (with 60 pages), please select postage for 150 grams for the return post. You may note down the Postal tracking number.

ii) Envelope 2: Prepare another envelope addressed to :

Consulate General of India Milan
Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 8,
20121 Milano MI.
iii) Place your (1) existing passport(except in cases of Lost or new born cases), (2)original Passport Fee receipt, (3) Return Envelope/Envelope 1 and (4) Receipt for Return Envelope in duplicate into Envelope 2. Write code 'DeliveryPPT' on the outer Envelope 2 and send to the Consulate.

5. Online tracking: The following statuses shall be available based on your application:

a. Ready: Your Passport is ready for collection and has not been processed for delivery.
b. Dispatched : Your Passport has been dispatched to your postal address
c. Dispatch pending : Dispatch of your Passport may be pending for the following reasons:
i) Old Passport not submitted for cancellation
ii) Original Fee Receipt not submitted
iii) Return envelope is not proper
iv) Return receipt for the Envelope is not proper

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