
PUBLIC ADVISORY for ready OCI Cards to be Collected by Post

May 26, 2020

Date: 26th May 2020

Public Advisory for collection of OCI Card

            Due to COVID-19 related restrictions on movement of people and temporary suspension of consular services, the Consulate General of India, Milan has decided to despatch ready OCI for collection through registered post. This initiative is aimed at helping OCI applicants during the current COVID-19 emergency, so that they avoid travelling to the Consulate for collection of their OCI.

  1. Therefore, OCI applicants residing in Northern Italy, under the jurisdiction of Consulate General of India Milan, and who have applied already for OCI card may avail this facility by sending the following documents to the Consulate by Registered post (Posta Raccomandata) of Poste Italiane.

    (a) Original Receipt of OCI application submission and copy of foreign Passport.

    (b) Pre-paid self-addressed envelpe by post:

              Postal modes can be any of the following

        (i) DHL Courier (click here for dedicated link); or 

        (ii) Poste Italiane  (Busta Pre-affrancata Posta Raccomandata, A5 size

  1. The self-addressed envelope will ensure safety of receipt of your OCI at the correct address. Please make sure to fill your correct address properly with no mistakes.
  2. Please select an option of 100 grams for the return post.
  3. Given the nature of circumstances prevailing, this task is being done to ensure maximum safety for you and your family members. We seek your cooperation and encourage you to consider and avail this POSTAL option.
  4. For any further queries with regard to this service, you can email us on and with subject as ‘OCI Delivery’.

    Check List and Steps to follow for receiving your ready OCI Card:

    OCI application status:  To check your OCI status, please enter your foreign Passport number at the given link .                   

    Steps to follow:

    Delivery mode:  Sent only by Postal modes. Prepaid self-addressed Envelope for return of Ready Passport must be provided with the postal application. Postal        modes can be any of the following:

a. DHL Courier (Click here for dedicated link)

(Fill in the details available online correctly and after online payment, two AirWayBills would be generated and received at your given email:

i) First AirWayBill/Shipment Label / ANDATA and copy

ii)Second AirWayBill/ Return Shipment Label/ RITORNO and copy

Attach ANDATA on the envelope from DHL and enclose the RITORNO alongwith the documents into the envelope.

b. Poste Italiane (Busta Pre-affrancata Posta Raccomandata, A5 size)

  1. Envelope 1: (i) Prepare a self-addressed envelope of 100 gms weight category with prepaid stamp of Poste Italiane (Busta Pre-affrancata Posta Raccomandata). (ii) Original OCI payment receipt (iii) Copy of foreign Passport.
  2. Envelope 2: Prepare another envelope addressed to: Mr. Rajesh Bhatia, Consul (Consular), Consulate General of India Milan Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 8, 20121 Milano MI.
  3. Put Envelope 1 and stated documents in Envelope 2 and despatch to the Consulate.

Click here for SAMPLE ENVELOPE 1


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