
Public Advisory : Submission of postal applications for Passports

May 30, 2020

Public Advisory : Submission of postal applications for Passports

Important announcement: Acceptance of postal applications for Passport services

To comply with local regulations which do not allow large gatherings and require safe distancing, Consulate General of India in Milan has decided to accept Passport applications by post.

2. Indian Nationals living in the areas of Lombardy, Piedmont, Aosta Valley, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Liguria and Emilia-Romagna, who are in urgent need of Passport reissue for themselves or fresh passport for their newly borns may apply through post only.

3. Please note that the Consulate has not authorized any agency or person for submission of Passport applications. Applicants are requested to go through the detailed guidelines before submitting the applications. It is emphasized that due to COVID-19 restrictions and health protocols, for the time being, it would not be possible to allow acceptance of Passport applications physically at Consulate premises.

4. Prepaid self-addressed envelope for return of Ready Passport must be provided with the postal application. Postal modes can be any of the following:

a. DHL or b. Poste Italiane

a. DHL Courier (Click here for customized link)

Fill your details correctly at the above customized DHL Link, after payment you would receive following AirWayBills at your email:

i. ANDATA/First shipment and applicants copy(from Applicants address to Consulate)

ii. RITORNO/Return Shipment and applicant copy(from Consulate to Applicants address)

* Instructions for DHL option: Keep the applicants copies of both AirWaybills for future reference.You can then put your duly complete application in a normal envelope and visit nearest DHL center. Upon presenting the payment receipt for the Courier you should get two corresponding envelopes from DHL based on your AirWayBills, the ANDATA  Envelope and RITORNO Envelope. RITORNO AirWayBill must be placed in the RITORNO Envelope. Duly filled and complete application with Assegno Circolare and RITRONO Envelope must be sent to the Consulate in ANDATA Envelope with ANDATA AirWayBIll pasted on the Envelope.

b. POSTE ITALIANE: Click here for sample of the mandatory Busta Pre-affrancata Posta Raccomandata envelope for return of Ready Passport and cancelled old Passport.
* Instructions for POSTE ITALIANE: Arrange for two Raccomandata envelopes from Poste Italiane; one for sending the application form to Consulate and one for return of your ready Passport. The return envelope must be accompanied with the duplicate receipts as shown in the specimen images. Duly filled application form with Assegno Circolare and Return Envelope must be sent to the Consulate in a bigger Envelope. Please provide your complete postal address on the return envelope to ensure smooth return of the ready Passport. This Envelope should have weight category on 100 gms in case of Normal Passport Booklet and 150 gms in case of Jumbo Passport Booklet.
5. Applicable Fees must be submitted only in form of Demand Draft (also known as Assegno Circolare) from your Bank or Post Office in favor of Consulate General of India.
6. Please write the code ‘AppPPT’ on your envelope being send to Consulate to enable us to sort your application. The postal application must be addressed to:
Consulate General of India Milan
Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 8,
20121 Milano MI.

7. We thank you in advance for your understanding and seek your support in making this a successful exercise.

8. Queries regarding the application process may be send to with the Subject 'Regualr Postal Application Query: name of the applicant, ARN Number of the Passport application'.


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