General of India, Milan would like to sell its Mercedes Benz (E280,
Gasoline, Automatic gear) 2008 model, 300,000 kms., as
on where on basis.
Car can be inspected between 10 a.m. till 12 noon at Piazzale Giulio
Cesare, Milan on Saturdays and Sundays till 18th
June, 2017. For inspection, please contact 3429667009 during
parties may send their quotation in sealed cover to
Consulate General of India, Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 8, 20121, Milan,
super scribing on the envelope ‘CAR’ so as to reach the Consulate
latest by 1730 hours on 23rd
June, 2017 Quotations will be opened in the presence of the
applicants at the Consulate General of India on
June, 2017 at 1700 hours.
car will be sold to the highest bidder at the quoted price. It will
be the responsibility of the buyer to get the registration of the car
transferred to his/her name and get the car insured in his/her name.
All the expenditure on the transfer of the registration will be
buyer’s responsibility.