Public Advisories

Clarifications on issues arising out of withdrawal of PIO Card scheme and merger of PIO card with OCI card

June 15, 2015


Clarifications on issues arising out of withdrawal of PIO Card scheme and merger of PIO card with OCI card


1.       As regards submission of application for registration as OCI cardholder in lieu of the PIO card online, the date for submission of online applications by the erstwhile PIO cardholders with valid PIO cards as on 9.1.2015 has been extended till 30.9.2015. All PIO cardholders are advised to submit the applications online by 30.9.2015.


2.       The OCI card is a smart card which will facilitate quicker immigration clearance and also for obtaining various Consular services from the Indian Missions. Further, for those residing in India, it will facilitate in availing various services in India.


3.       The applicants may submit the applications for OCI card in lieu of PIO card to the Indian Mission/FRRO concerned within the jurisdiction of his/her place of residence. This is in modification of the earlier instructions that they should apply only at the location where the PIO card was issued.


4.       While the grant of OCI card in lieu of PIO card will be on gratis basis, the applicants will have to bear only the ICWF charge of Euro 3/- only.


5.       In cases of erstwhile PIO cardholders, the new foreign passport number (when they get a new passport) will continue to be endorsed on the existing PIO card till the person concerned is issued an OCI card in lieu of the PIO card.


6.       As regards the procedure to be followed for conversion of PIO card to OCI card in respect of spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an OCI cardholder registered under section 7A of the Citizenship Act,1955, the person concerned should submit the applications online in the format prescribed and thereafter the Indian Mission/ Post/ FRRO concerned will process the applications as in the case of other applications for grant of OCI card in lieu of PIO card.


7.       All applications for fresh registration as OCI cardholder from the spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an OCI cardholder registered under section 7A of the Citizenship Act, 1955 shall be submitted only on the online system and shall be acknowledged by the Indian Missions/ FRROs on the online system. No offline applications shall be accepted.


8.       The foreign national children of such Indian national who is no more will be entitled to OCI card as per section 7A of the Citizenship Act, 1955 based on the basis of their Indian origin. Such children holding PIO card will also be eligible to apply for OCI card in lieu of the PIO card.



9.       The foreign national spouse of a PIO/OCI Cardholder, whose parents/grandparents are/were of Indian origin will also be eligible for OCI card as per section 7A of the Citizenship Act, 1955 based on his/her Indian origin.


10.   A person holding an type of Visa with 3 months validity as on the date of application for OCI card can submit his/her application for registration as OCI cardholder.


11.    No fee will be levied in cases where the applicant wishes to change the personal particulars viz. passport particulars, address, occupation etc. while submitting the application for OCI card in lieu of PIO card.


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