Public Advisories

List of ready Passports

September 22, 2020

Important announcement
Of late, the Consulate has observed that many of the passports, which are ready for dispatch have been lying undelivered or dispatched through Post but returned, for the following reasons:
• No return postal envelopes;
• The return postal envelopes/receipts are without address/wrong address;
• Address written but not legible;
• Receipts are not sent in duplicate;
• Postal Code (CAP) is not mentioned;
• Affixing insufficient value of postal stamps;
• Persons not available at the time of delivery;
The details of passports, which could not be delivered so far to the applicant(s) for obvious reasons, are available below :
Now, considering the case as an exceptional one, it has been decided to distribute these passports at the Consulate on the following date(s):
21.9.2020 to 25.9.2020 (Monday-Friday)
9.30 AM to 12.30 PM & 2.30 PM to 4.00 PM
26.9.2020 (Saturday)
9.30 AM to 1200 PM
All the applicants, whose name(s) is/are figured in the list are, therefore, requested to visit at the Consulate along with the Fee Receipt and Old Passport for collection of New Passport. Click here for the list.
Importantly, it is mentioned that under the provisions of Passports Act, 1967, if a passport is ready but unclaimed for 1 (one) year, it will be ‘destroyed’. Hence, all the applicants are kindly requested to make appropriate arrangements so that the passport once ready could be delivered to them smoothly.
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