Public Advisories


November 20, 2017

The CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA, MILAN will be holding a Consular Camp at


on 09.12.2017 (Saturday)

for submission of application for

PASSPORTS and OCI Cards only


(No other services shall be rendered)

Timings : From 0930 hours to 1300 hours and from 1400 hours to 1500 hours

Please bring original as well as clear copies of all documents. Copies of all the documents should be self-attested by the applicants. In case of minor children, copies of all the documents should be self-attested by one of the parents. Original documents will be returned immediately after verification.

Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

All applicants will have to be present in person, irrespective of their age, for submission of applications, except in the case of application in respect of new born children.


Please submit the application in the following order:


1. APPLY ON-LINE at and take a print out of the Passport application form. Please paste two recent colour photographs of the size of 2 inch x 2 inch with light back ground, one on the first page where space is provided and the second one on the blank space on the third page of the application. The photograph should have a frontal view, showing both the ears. The eyes must be open and no hair should obscure the face. Prescription glasses if worn should be clear and thin framed and should not have flash reflection or obscure the eyes. Head coverings, hair, head-dress or facial ornaments should not obscure the face. Head should face the camera directly and should not tilt or turned (portrait style). Head covering is not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face, with both ears must be clearly visible.

All columns in the Passport application form should be filled in neatly and in CAPITAL LETTERS. No column should be left blank.

2. Please append your signature at two places, one in the column provided in the first page of the application and second one on the second page, below Sl.No.26 (Under Declaration). Signature should match with that in their existing passport.

If the applicant wants to change the signature, he/she may do so. In that case, new signature

should be appended in the column provided in the first page of the application form. New as

well as old signature should be appended below Sl.No.26 (Under Declaration).

3. Clear copies of the relevant pages of the passport (self-attested)

4. Clear copy of the valid Permesso Di Soggiorno(self-attested). If the validity of the Soggiorno has already expired, a clear copy of the Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached.

5. Clear copy of the Address proof ( Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity along with translation in English) (self-attested)


1. APPLY ON-LINE at and take a print out of the Passport application form. Please paste two recent colour photographs of the size of 2 inch x 2 inch with light back ground, one on the first page where space is provided and the second one on the blank space on the third page of the application. The photograph should have a frontal view, showing both the ears. The eyes must be open and no hair should obscure the face. Prescription glasses if worn should be clear and thin framed and should not have flash reflection or obscure the eyes. Head coverings, hair, head-dress or facial ornaments should not obscure the face. Head should face the camera directly and should not tilt or turned (portrait style). Head covering is not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face, with both ears must be clearly visible.

All columns in the Passport application form should be filled in neatly and in CAPITAL LETTERS. No column should be left blank.

2. Please append your signature at two places, one in the column provided in the first page of the application and second one on the second page, below Sl.No.26 (Under Declaration). Signature should match with that in their existing passport.

If the applicant wants to change the signature, he/she may do so. In that case, new signature

should be appended in the column provided in the first page of the application form. New as

well as old signature should be appended below Sl.No.26 (Under Declaration).

3. Clear copies of the relevant pages of the passport(self-attested)

4. Clear copy of the valid Permesso Di Soggiorno(self-attested). If the validity of the Soggiorno has already expired, a clear copy of the Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached(self-attested).

5. Clear copy of the Address proof (self-attested) ( Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity along with translation in English).

6. Please submit original as well as copy of the FIR (Police Report) along with its English translation(self attested) regarding loss of passport, clearly mentioning the number of the lost passport.

7. Annexure ‘L’ duly completed and signed.

8. Personal Particulars Form (in triplicate) with three photographs, duly filled in and signed.


1. APPLY ON-LINE at and take a print out of the Passport application form. Please paste two recent colour photographs of the size of 2 inch x 2 inch with light back ground, one on the first page where space is provided and the second one on the blank space on the third page of the application. The photograph should have a frontal view, showing both the ears. The eyes must be open and no hair should obscure the face. Prescription glasses if worn should be clear and thin framed and should not have flash reflection or obscure the eyes. Head coverings, hair, head-dress or facial ornaments should not obscure the face. Head should face the camera directly and should not tilt or turned (portrait style). Head covering is not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face, with both ears must be clearly visible.

All columns in the Passport application form should be filled in neatly and in CAPITAL LETTERS. No column should be left blank.

2. Please append your signature at two places, one in the column provided in the first page of the application and second one on the second page, below Sl.No.26 (Under Declaration). Signature should match with that in their existing passport.

If the applicant wants to change the signature, he/she may do so. In that case, new signature

should be appended in the column provided in the first page of the application form. New as

well as old signature should be appended below Sl.No.26 (Under Declaration).

3. Clear copies of the relevant pages of the passport(self-attested)

4. Clear copy of the valid Permesso Di Soggiorno(self-attested). If the validity of the Soggiorno has already expired, a clear copy of the Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached(self-attested).

5. Clear copy of the Address proof(self-attested) ( Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity along with translation in English).

6. Clear copy of Marriage Certificate(self-attested). In case the marriage was solemnized in Comune, please bring original Marriage Certificate issued by the Comune, after getting it duly apostilled/attested from Prefuttura along with clear copy and also its English Translation (self attested).

In case the marriage was solemnized in India, please bring original Marriage Certificate issued by the competent authorities in India and a clear copy(self-attested) of the same.



1. APPLY ON-LINE at and take a print out of the Passport application form. Please paste two recent colour photographs of the size of 2 inch x 2 inch with light back ground, one on the first page where space is provided and the second one on the blank space on the third page of the application. The photograph should have a frontal view, showing both the ears. The eyes must be open and no hair should obscure the face. Prescription glasses if worn should be clear and thin framed and should not have flash reflection or obscure the eyes. Head coverings, hair, head-dress or facial ornaments should not obscure the face. Head should face the camera directly and should not tilt or turned (portrait style). Head covering is not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face, with both ears must be clearly visible.

All columns in the Passport application form should be filled in neatly and in CAPITAL LETTERS. No column should be left blank.

2. Please append your signature at two places, one in the column provided in the first page of the application and second one on the second page, below Sl.No.26 (Under Declaration). Signature should match with that in their existing passport.

If the applicant wants to change the signature, he/she may do so. In that case, new signature

should be appended in the column provided in the first page of the application form. New as

well as old signature should be appended below Sl.No.26 (Under Declaration).

3. Clear copies of the relevant pages of the passport(self-attested)

4. Clear copy of the valid Permesso Di Soggiorno. If the validity of the Soggiorno has already expired or Soggiorno applied for, a clear copy of the Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached(self-attested).

5. Clear copy of the Address proof(self-attested) ( Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity along with translation in English).

6. Clear copy of the visa(self-attested)

7. Clear copies of the (a) passports, (b) Permesso D’Soggiorno and (c) Carta D’Identita of the relative on whose family visa the applicant arrived, and there should be documentary proof for substantiate the relationship, such as Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, etc.



1. APPLY ON-LINE at and take a print out of the Passport application form. Please paste two recent colour photographs of the size of 2 inch x 2 inch with light back ground, one on the first page where space is provided and the second one on the blank space on the third page of the application. The photograph should have a frontal view, showing both the ears. The eyes must be open and no hair should obscure the face. Prescription glasses if worn should be clear and thin framed and should not have flash reflection or obscure the eyes. Head coverings, hair, head-dress or facial ornaments should not obscure the face. Head should face the camera directly and should not tilt or turned (portrait style). Head covering is not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face, with both ears must be clearly visible.

All columns in the Passport application form should be filled in neatly and in CAPITAL LETTERS. No column should be left blank.

2. Please append signature/thumb impression at two places, one in the column provided in the first page of the application and second one on the second page, below Sl.No.26 (Under Declaration). Signature should match with that in their existing passport. If the applicant wants to change the signature, he/she may do so. In that case, new signature should be appended in the column provided in the first page of the application form. New as well as old signature/thumb impression should be appended below Sl.No.26 (Under Declaration).

2. Both the parents should append their signatures (signature should match with that in their passports) on the third page of the application form.

3. Clear copies of the relevant pages of the passport(self-attested by either of the parents)

4. Clear copy of the valid Permesso Di Soggiorno(self-attested by either of the parents). If the validity of the Soggiorno has already expired, a clear copy of the Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached.

5. Clear copy of the Address proof(self-attested by either of the parents) ( Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity along with translation in English).

6. Clear copies of the relevant pages of the passports of both the parents(self-attested).

7. Clear copies of the Permesso Di Soggiorno of both the parents (self-attested)

8. Clear copies of Address proof ( Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity along with translation in English) of parents (self-attested)

9. In case one of the parents is away from the country of domicile, the other parent can give an Affidavit stating the reason for not taking consent of the parent, who is away from Italy.


1. Register the Birth, on-line at :, within one year of the birth of the child. Upload the photograph of the child, signatures of both the parents, copies of the passports of both the parents, marriage certificate of the parents and birth certificate of the child. Please see below how to register the birth of the child.

How to register the birth of a minor child is given below. In case of any difficult, you may like to visit :file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/CONSULAR/HOW%20TO%20REGISTER,%20ON-LINE,%20THE%20BIRTH%20OF%20A%20NEW%20BORN%20BABY.pdf

2. If the birth of the child is not registered within one year of the birth, the reason for delay in registering the birth, in writing, duly signed by both the parents, is required. If the birth of the child is not registered within one year of the birth, the process will require longer time.

3. Take a print out of the completed form and submit along with the passport application form.

4. Parents should append their signatures (signature should match with that in their Passports) at two places on the second page of the Birth Registration application (where it is written Signature of parents).

5. APPLY ON-LINE for passport at: and take a print out of the Passport application form. Please paste two recent colour photographs of the size of 2 inch x 2 inch with light back ground, one on the first page where space is provided and the second one on the blank space on the third page of the application. The photograph should have a frontal view, showing both the ears. The eyes must be open and no hair should obscure the face. Prescription glasses if worn should be clear and thin framed and should not have flash reflection or obscure the eyes. Head coverings, hair, head-dress or facial ornaments should not obscure the face. Head should face the camera directly and should not tilt or turned (portrait style). Head covering is not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face, with both ears must be clearly shown.

All columns in the Passport application form should be filled in neatly and in CAPITAL LETTERS. No column should be left blank.

Please note that since a new born baby cannot sign, his/her thumb impression (left hand in case of male child and right hand in case of female child) should be appended on the first page of the passport application form (space provided).

6. Both parents should append their signatures (signature should match with that in their passports) on Page No.2 of the application (Under Sl. No.26..DECLARATION) and also on the third page of the application form.

7. Copy of the birth certificate issued by Comune along with its English translation (self attested). The birth certificate should have the names of both the parents and date and place of birth.

8. Clear copy of valid Permesso Di Soggiorno of the child, if issued(self-attested by one of the parents)

9. Clear copies of all the relevant pages of the passports of both the parents(self-attested)

10. Clear copies of Permesso D’Soggiorno of both the parents( self-attested). If the validity of the Soggiorno has already expired, a clear copy of the Receipt for Renewal of the same should be attached(self-attested).

11. Clear copy of the Address proof(self-attested)( Carta D’Identita or any other proof like any Utility bill-electricity/water/fuel bill or rent agreement, Ospity and its translation in English) of the parents.

12. Copy of the Marriage Certificate(self-attested) of the parents if their names are not endorsed on each other’s passport.

For on-line registration of the birth of the child, please visit the site :, the following screen will appear.

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