Public Advisories

The Consulate General of India, Milan will be holding a SPECIAL CAMP (Open House) in the Consulate (Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 8, 20121, Milan) on 11.02.2017 (Saturday)

January 31, 2017

The Consulate General of India, Milan will be holding a

SPECIAL CAMP (Open House) in the Consulate

(Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 8, 20121, Milan)

on 11.02.2017 (Saturday)

From 0900 hours to 1300 hours

(NO other services would be rendered)


Kindly check and ensure from our website ( ) that your Passport/OCI
card is ready before visiting the Consulate.

Please bring your old/existing Indian passports and Receipts (both the receipts, printed one with File Number/web file number and also handwritten), in original, for collecting the new Indian Passports and foreign passports and Receipts, in original, for collecting OCI Cards.

Applicants will have to be present themselves for collection of Passports/OCI cards. However, in the case of children below the age of 18 years, either of the parents can collect the Passport/OCI cards, with proof of parentage. Similarly, Passports/OCI cards of husband/wife can be collected by wife/husband, as the case may be, but with documentary proof of their relationship.

In the case of collection of passports in respect of new born babies, please submit only the receipts. Please DO NOT submit the passports of parents. In case the passports of parents are submitted along with the receipts and if the passports of parents are cancelled, the consulate shall not be responsible and in such cases, parents will have to apply for issuance of their passports, at their own cost.

Entry is restricted only to those persons, who visit the Consulate to collect passport/OCI Cards and not to any accompanying persons.

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