
“Made in India" – the New Game Changer webinar focusing on toy manufacturing and sourcing opportunities in India on 23 September 2020 at 6:30 PM IST.

September 15, 2020


ICTI Ethical Toy Program, in collaboration with the Asia Toy & Play Association (ATPA) and Invest India, invites you to join a virtual meeting focusing on manufacturing in, and sourcing toys from India.
This virtual meeting will provide you with:
* The India Opportunity: Toy ecosystem, cost competitiveness, raw material availability, export potential,
* Overview of Regulatory Support available: Fiscal incentives, Ease of Doing business, Logistics
* Investor Toolkit: Access to Doing Business in India Guide
* Panel discussion sharing experiences of Global Toy OEM’s in India hearing from Mattel, Hasbro, LEGO and Universal Toys
* DPIIT: Joint Secretary Mr Anil Agrawal
* HASBRO: Mr. Sanjiv Khullar, Managing Director, Regional Sourcing, India
* The LEGO Group: Vivek Jain - General Manager – India
* Universal Toys: Kaushik Prakash Tanna - Business Head
* IETP Certified Factory (TBC)
Plus: IETP, ATPA, Invest India & Boston Consulting Group
The meeting will last for 1 hour and include a panel discussion plus time for questions to any of the presenters.
Register here and you will receive a Webex link to join the meeting: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/made-in-india-the-new-game-changer-tickets-115197007350


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