
RAJBOS0054 Dt 26.02.2020 Due Dt 07.03.2020 - Supply and I&C of 1500V 3-Phase Grid Connected Outdoor PCUs for 2x50MW GSECL Project at Raghanesda, Gujarat

March 11, 2020

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Corrigendum-II :: RAJBOS0054 Dt 26.02.2020 Due Dt 07.03.2020 - Supply and I&C of 1500V 3-Phase Grid Connected Outdoor PCUs for 2x50MW GSECL Project at Raghanesda, Gujarat

Corrigendum-I has been issued for tender RAJBOS0054 Dt 26.02.2020.

Reason: Rating of PCU: "Minimum 2.5 MW PCU" to be read as "Minimum 2 MW PCU"

Please submit your offer on e-tender portal  https://bhel.abcprocure.com/

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