
Reverse BuyersSellers Meet (RBSM), Source India Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon, Mumbai, 2123

May 15, 2019

Reverse Buyers-Sellers Meet (RBSM), “Source India” Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon, Mumbai, 21-23 August 2019

Source India is a platform to engage the leading importers of Man-made Fibre Textile products with Indian exporters and thereby promote the exports of Indian MMFT products. The Council will be inviting nearly 150 leading buyers from around 40 countries as our sponsored guests.

The event is being organized under the aegis of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry and Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. During the event, over 125 member-companies of the Council will be exhibiting their latest range of synthetic and rayon textile items including fabrics, yarn, made-ups, fibre, home textiles and technical textiles.

All selected buyers will be offered complimentary Economy class return airfare, accommodation in a Five Star Hotel (Grand Hyatt) for 3 nights and Internal transfers including airport pick up and drop.

To ensure a more productive and fruitful visit, the Council will engage the invited foreign buyers for one-to-one business meetings with relevant Indian exhibitors at the ‘Business Lounge’ being created exclusively for the purpose. For the invited buyers, Fashion Shows, Theme/Trend Pavilions, Networking Dinners, among others, will be organized by the Council during the event.

For more info, please visit https://www.nicct.nl/event/reverse-buyer-seller-meet-rbsm-source-india-21-23-august-2019-mumbai-india/

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